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Spain | Map Spain | Loccation Map Spain on the globe | Catalonia

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Catalonia being a part of pain speaks their own language and follows their own culture
Where is Catalonia?
Catalonia separates from with mountains, and Andorra, Border shares with Mediterranean Sea, and the border separates from Spain in the South.
where is catalonia?
Catalonia location map

Catalonia map

language Catalonia?
Spanish and Catalan
Reltionship beween Catalonia and Spain
In 1931 Catalonia became an Independent community of Spanish state.
Economy catalonia?
Catalonia is known as one of Spain’s wealthiest state, It has strong travel industry and manufacturing industries. So it’s economy is well mixed with Spain economy effectively. This is the commercial hub of Spain and Barcelona. It has some important architectural landmarks and it is the most stylish state of Spain.

Spain map


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