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There are various kind and level World Atlases are available in the World Market and book stores, you can also buy world atlas online through various online book stores.

World Atlas is the tool for map and geographical information, for educational and various other purpose. It contains World physical, political and geographical information.
The atlas contains the information about our Earth, when it is formed, our solar system, planets, and satellite info. The Atlas tell us about the physical and political location of the areas, country and their cities. The atlas contains map of all the continents and countries and their info. You can find materials about world climate even the particular country and the city climate details. Weather cycles, rain, Jungles or forests, wildlife, habitats wild crops and farming information. One can get knowledge about world population, World Literacy percentage, Air route, Annual rainfall, fisheries, forest map, geology, global warming, national parks and wildlife, sea route map and other important information. It also contains info about thematic map, temperature and pressure, rivers map and location, Information about World environment issues.
The atlas is the resource to know about our entire world, earth and universe, including natural happenings like earthquake info, volcano, tsunami, cyclone, tornadoes and also contain other natural disasters information. It help students to know about the natural disasters and discover the solutions for safety and security. There are several atlas available in the market made by researchers and scientists, who have been continuously doing research on world and its universe. SO it help us to know about the happenings, world growth, detailed map and GIS information.


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