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Naypyidaw the capital of Burma

Burma | Political Map Burma | Flag Burma

Placed close to Pyinmana, Naypyidaw is arranged between the extents of Shan Yoma and Bago Yoma. The city is outskirted by the Chaungmagyi Dam to its north and the Ngalaik Dam to its south. It is isolated into four zones, viz., the private zone, the military zone, the service zone and the lodging zone. Very nearly 2 hectares of area has been put aside for outside government offices and the United Nations missions' headquarters. It is encompassed by eight townships which are generally arranged and still under development.
Political importance
Naypyidaw is a Union Territory under the immediate organization of the President. Normal capacities are completed for the President's sake by the Naypyidaw Council headed by a Chairperson. The Chairperson and parts of the Naypyidaw Council are named by the President and incorporate both citizens and Armed Forces representatives. The Naypyidaw Union Territory comprises of the city legitimate (downtown) and eight encompassing townships. Downtown is further separated into four wards. Pyinmana, Lewe, and Tatkon townships were all once part of Yamethin District. Oathara Thiri, Dekkina Thiri, Poppha Thiri, Zapu Thiri, and Zeyar Thiri are all new townships at present under development. As of December 2009, most government service business settings have been moved to the authoritative capital. Just the work places of ministries' directorates stay in Yangon.
Famous for
The city is famous for being the only city in the world, which was built secretly, hidden away from the world’s eyes. No one knew of this city until the Burmese government decided to shift the capital to this new city and made the announcement public.
Art and culture
Buddhism is at the heart of Myanmar culture and it saturates private and open life. Most youngsters invest time in ascetic instruction, and ministers and nuns hold a venerated place in the public eye. They ought not to be touched. They generally sit at the most noteworthy spot accessible. They hold benefits, for example, the flexibility of top notch travel on open transport, in some cases with their held spot.
Travel and tourism
Getting to Myanmar from Europe, the US, or Australia typically includes travelling to Yangon by means of a center, which for numerous individuals will be Bangkok. Getting around Myanmar is never not exactly interesting, with more than enough chances to blend with the locals and take in the landscape. Yet land transport is, all in all, moderate and questionable. This was presumably more so than most individuals might have encountered in any possible country. Myanmar's bus and line systems permit travellers access to most famous goals, and pontoons might be a fascinating approach to get around. Assuming that you are on a generally tight timetable, flying is normally the best choice – and for a few ends of the line in outskirt zones, it’s the main alternative.
Famous travel places
The various places to visit and for sightseeing in this picturesque and recently constructed city are parliament building, National Herbal Park, Naypyidaw Zoological Gardens, Naypyidaw Safari Park, Gem Museum, Uppatasanti Pagoda, Ngalaik Lake Gardens, Ngalaik Dam and Naypyidaw Myoma Market.

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